Viewing Triggered Experiences Overview

Triggered Experience Overview gives us a summary of metrics related to triggered experiences over a selected time range.

To view the triggered experience overview,

  1. Click the Insights menu.
  2. In the Insights menu, click the Triggered Experiences tab.
    The Triggered Experience Overview window displays the triggered experience metrics for the past 30 days.
  3. Click the Time Range selector located in the top right corner of the page to select Time Range.
    The metrics are displayed as per the selected time range.

The Triggered Experiences page has two panes:

i. Time Series Metrics: This pane displays a line chart that shows the time series metrics for "Session", "Conversion Rate" and "Incremental Revenue" in different tabs. These metrics display the session count, conversion rate, and
Incremental revenue for top 10 Experiences. Where the top 10 is defined as the 10 experiences with the highest session counts.
Note: Click the Triggered Experience name legend, and the line chart for that experience will disappear and vice versa

ii. Experience Metrics table: This pane displays the information and different metrics for triggered experiences.

The Table given below describes different fields present in pane number (ii).

Experience NameDisplays the name of the Experience, description, and the selected segments.

Note: Click the experience Name, and the performance dashboard page for that experience is displayed.
Action VariantsDisplays the total number of actions used in that Triggered Experience
ControlDisplays the percentage of the control group set for the experience.
Sessions- The upper row displays the total number of sessions.
- The second row displays the average number of sessions in which an experience was sent per selected time period.
Sessions ScoreDisplays the percentage of total sessions for this experience with respect to total sessions for the namespace.
ConversionsDisplays the number of sessions in which the user interacted with an experience and placed an order for the selected time period.
CVR (Conversion rate)- The upper row displays the percentage of sessions in which the user interacted with an experience and at least one order was placed per number of Total Sessions.
- The second row displays the relative percentage change in conversion rate for the test group with respect to the control group.
Note: CVR Lift is shown only for those experiences where the control group is greater than zero (0).
AOV (Average Order Value)- The upper row displays the revenue obtained at the experience level per total number of orders.
- The second row displays the relative percentage change in average order value for the test group with respect to the control group.
Note: AOV Lift is shown only for those experiences where the control group is greater than zero (0).
RPV (Revenue per Visitor)- The upper row displays the total revenue obtained at the experience level per number of Total Sessions.
- The second row displays the relative percentage change in revenue per visitor for the test group with respect to the control group.
Note: RPV Lift is shown only for those experiences where the control group is greater than zero (0).
Revenue- The upper row displays the total revenue obtained.
- The second row displays the total incremental revenue obtained by the test group visitors in comparison with control group visitors per number of Total Sessions.
Note: Incremental Revenue is shown only for those experiences where the control group is greater than zero (0).
Annualized Inc. Rev.Displays the Annualized Incremental Revenue of that triggered experience for the selected date range.



Click icon in the upper right corner of the pane (ii) and select/deselect the columns to show/hide respectively the selected metrics from the table.

Downloading Metrics

To download the overview metrics of triggered experiences, follow the steps given below:

  1. In Insights, click the Triggered Experiences tab for which you want to download the metrics.
  2. Click the Download icon in the upper right corner of the pane (ii).
    A CSV file is downloaded for that respective metrics.

The downloaded file contains similar metrics shown on that respective page. The filename contains the timestamp of the download initiation in name_yyyy-mm-dd HH mm AM/PM format. e.g., campaignMetrics_2021-06-11248PM