Viewing Session Depth

Session Depth is a report which displays the percentage of traffic based on the number of clicks performed by the user in a session. It also displays the conversion rate & revenue per click. The number of clicks will be counted only for the domain events.

To view the Session Depth, follow the steps given below

  1. Click the Insights menu.
  2. In the Insights menu, click the Session Depth tab.
    The Session Depth window displays the Session Depth report.
    The metrics are displayed as per the selected time range.
  3. To break down the session depth data based on different dimensions, click BREAKDOWN BY drop-down list. The dimensions available for a breakdown are:
  • All Sessions
  • Customer Type
  • New vs Returning
  • Anonymous vs Known
  • Traffic source
  • Browsing Context
  • Targeted vs Control
  • Cart vs no cart

The Session Depth page displays the following charts:

Sessions by DNA EventDisplays the percentage of sessions that see a specific number of DNA event clicks with respect to a total number of sessions.
Conversion Rate by DNA EventDisplays the percentage of sessions that see a conversion after a specific number of clicks with respect to all sessions at that specific number of clicks.
Revenue by DNA EventDisplays the total revenue for sessions that see conversions after a specific number of clicks
Reach by Early Prediction ScoreDisplays the doughnut chart showing the sum of all sessions that see a conversion with the number of clicks between 1 and 4 and clicks greater than or equal to 5.
Hover over different regions to see the count of sessions and percentage with respect to the total session.
CVR All SessionsDisplays the percentage of sessions that see conversions with respect to all sessions.
CVR 5 or More ClicksDisplays the percentage of sessions that see conversions with the number of clicks greater than or equal to 5 with respect to the total number of sessions.
Revenue All SessionsDisplays the total revenue across all clicks and sessions.
Revenue 5 or More ClicksDisplays the total revenue when the user has done 5 or more clicks.

Downloading Session Depth

To download the session depth metrics,

  1. In Insights, click Session Depth.
  2. Click the Download icon in the upper right corner of the page.
    A CSV file is downloaded.

The downloaded file contains the metrics shown on the session depth page. The filename contains the timestamp of the download initiation in name_yyyy-mm-dd HH mm AM/PM format. e.g., "sessionDepth_AllSessions_2022-07-05859AM".