Managing Uploaded Segments

The Uploaded Segments tab allows you to view, edit, and delete the segments.

Viewing Uploaded Segments

  1. In the Segments menu, click the Uploaded Segments tab.
    The list of Uploaded Segments is displayed.
  • Name: Name of the segment. It also provides a link to open the segment.
  • Total Count: Displays the total number of members in the segment.
  • Created: Displays the date when this segment was created and the name of the user who created it.
  • Last Updated: Displays the date when this segment was last updated and the name of the user who made the last update.
    Note: This field is sortable. Click to sort segments by date.
  1. Click icon to perform the following activity:
  • a. To Edit the segment
  • b. To view the Audit Trail of the segment
  • c. To Delete the segment.

Editing Uploaded Segment

  1. In the Segments, click the Uploaded Segments tab.
    The list of all the Uploaded Segments is displayed.
  2. From the list, click the segment for which editing is required.
    A detailed screen appears with the following tabs:
  • Segment Details: Displays details about the segment such as group Category, Created by, Created on, Updated by, Updated on, Population of the segment.
  • Segment Insights: Displays month-wise population distribution and allows you to export this data.
  • Segment Members: Displays the users available in the segments. Click the user card to view more details.
  1. To edit the segment, click Select CSV File, browse, and select the updated CSV file.
  2. Click the Refresh Status.