Creating and Designing Charts

Session AI allows you to create Charts and use these charts to display Dashboards using the data captured.

  • Charts: A chart is a sheet of information in the form of a table, graph, or diagram. Session AI charts are created using Data Sheets. These data sheets execute a cube or call an ad-hoc query to fetch data and draw the chart.
  • Dashboards: A dashboard is like a page or a panel that displays one or more charts and other display controls.



For more information about cubes, cube queries and ad-hoc queries, refer the following sections:

Design Charts

Session AI allows you to create charts and use these charts to build dashboards. A chart inside a dashboard is represented by a chart control that is associated with a datasheet. Datasheets are used to send queries to the backend, get the data, and draw the charts. Solutions Developers can create a chart using the following two approaches.

  • Chart Designer Mode: Select an out-of-the-box ad-hoc query or your custom query to create charts.
  • Chart Advanced Mode: This allows you to use a JSON definition file that defines the chart. The JSON definition file is also known as a Datasheet in the C3 Console. It retrieves data from ad-hoc query or cube and renders the data on the chart.

Chart Designer Mode

  1. In the Insights menu, click the Custom Dashboards tab.
    The Custom Dashboards screen displays all the existing dashboards.
  2. To create a new chart designer, click Chart Designer.

The Chart Designer screen displays all the existing charts.

  1. Click Create New.

The My Charts screen appears.

  1. On the My Charts screen, enter the following:
  • Chart Name: Enter the name of the chart.
  • Description: Enter the description of the chart.
  • Enable Advanced feature to create complex custom charts: Skip this option to use the chart designer mode.
    Note: In the below example, you will create a chart to view how many times did a specific activity occur.
  • Select your query: Select the How many times did a specific activity occur? query.
  1. Click Next.

You can further customize the appearance of the chart by selecting the type of chart, such as line charts, pie charts, column charts, etc. Select the X-axis and Y-axis parameters.
Note: In this example, the chart type is Column Chart, the X-Axis value is ID and the Y-Axis value is Event Count.

  1. Click Render Chart. The following chart appears and then click Save.

In addition, you can customize the chart's look and feel using the following options:

  • Show Grid: Switch on the toggle to display the grids on the chart.
  • Chart Title: Enter the desired chart name that will appear on the rendered chart. For example, View Activity Occurrence.
  • X-Axis Title: Enter the desired X-Axis name. For example, User ID.
  • Y-Axis Title: Enter the desired Y-Axis name. For example, Activity Count.

The chart is saved and appears on the My Charts list while creating a dashboard.

Chart Advanced Mode

  1. In the Insights menu, click the Custom Dashboard tab.
  2. In the custom dashboard page, click Chart Designer.
    The Chart Designer screen displays all the existing charts.
  3. Click Create Chart.
    The My Charts screen appears.
  4. On the My Charts screen, enter the following:
  • Chart Name: Enter the name of the chart.
  • Description: Enter the description of the chart.
  • Enable Advanced feature to create complex custom charts: Switch on the toggle and click Next to copy paste a JSON file into the editor for creating complex datasheets. Click Save.
  • Select your query: Skip this option to use the advanced designer mode.

The following is the basic structure of a datasheet:

	"axes": [-],
	"control": [-],
	"cube": [-],
	"datapoints": [-],
	"description": " ",
	"properties": {
		"dataFilterOptions": []
  • axes: The data dimensions based on which you want to display the captured data.
  • control: The chart control, which describes the chart and its properties that are displayed on the chart.
  • cube: The source of the data used by the chart.
  • datapoints: The measure of the data that is collected in the cube for the axes.

The following is a sample data sheet that displays the total number of products purchased by customers across various cities using data from a cube called ProductsPurchased.

For more information about the ProductsPurchased sample cube, refer to the Create a Data Cube section.

    "axes": [
            "id": "city",
            "label": "",
            "props": {},
            "src": "city/*"
            "id": "product",
            "label": "",
            "props": {
                "render": false
            "src": "product/*"
    "control": {
        "chartType": "ClusteredColumns",
        "props": {
            "title": "Total Products Purchased",
            "vAxis": {
                "title": "Total Count",
                "minValue": 0,
                "textStyle": {
                    "color": "#000000"
            "hAxis": {
                "title": "Cities",
                "minValue": 0,
                "textStyle": {
                    "color": "#000000"
            "legend": {
                "position": "top",
                "alignment": "end",
                "maxLines": 3
            "height": "400",
            "chartArea": {
                "width": "75%"
    "cube": {
        "description": null,
        "id": "cube",
        "ref": "ProductsPurchased",
        "type": "cube",
        "hint": [
                "type": "postprocessor",
                "name": "com.z1.postprocessors.DateFormatterPostProcessor",
                "value": "id=date,read=yyyyMMdd,write=ddMonthPrettyPrint"
    "dataPoints": [
            "label": "Total Products Purchased",
            "id": "totalProductOrdered",
            "method": "udc.system.aggregation:sum",
            "props": {},
            "src": "totalProductOrdered"
    "description": "",
    "filters": [],
    "properties": {
        "dateFilterOptions": []

The chart is saved and appears on the My Charts list while creating a dashboard.

The following is the rendered chart view of the above datasheet on a dashboard.