Working with Events

An Event is a meaningful action or activity that the customer performs on a channel using any application. For example, login activity, add to cart, pay the bill, etc. The incoming event has an event name and some default parameters in key-value format (Parameter Name: Parameter Value). Event activity can be further described as:

  • States of the app such as start and exit.
  • Real-time activities performed in the app.
  • System events like weather change information, market data trends, etc.

Session AI allows you to view all the events that are sent from the SDK implemented in your app. The SDK sends events to the Cloud. The incoming event can be further enriched and used in creating powerful experiences. In the Incoming Events tab, you can:

  • Define the incoming events.
  • Map the Domain Events.
  • View the added incoming event and its details.
  • Add the Event Enrichment code to process the incoming data as per the use case.
  • Delete an event.
  • Enable or disable the event.
  • View the live frequency report of occurring events per second for all the events.