Configuring Connectors

The CONNECTORS tab allows you to configure the following third-party online services to your Session AI account:

Google Play Store Config

Provide your Google Play Store account credentials if you already have an account or register for a new one and configure it to your Session AI account.

  1. In the Integration menu, click the Connectors tab.
    The Connector Configs screen will be displayed.
  1. Click Google Play Store Config.
    The following screen appears.
  2. Enter the following details and click Save.
  • Email: Enter your registered email ID in the Google Play Store account.
  • Password: Enter your Google Play Store password.
  • Packages List: Enter your application package name.
  • Google Cloud Storage Bucket ID: Enter your Google Cloud Storage Bucket ID. In your Google Play Store account, the bucket ID is listed near the bottom of your Reports pages. Your bucket ID begins with pubsite_prod_rev. For example, pubsite_prod_rev_01234567890987654321.

iTunes Store Config

To configure your iTunes store to your Session AI account, provide your iTunes Store account credentials if you have one or sign up for a new account using the iTunes website.

  1. In the Integration menu, click the Connectors tab.
    The Connector Configs screen will be displayed.
  2. Click iTune Store Config.
    The following screen appears.
  3. Enter the following details and click Save.
  • User ID: Enter your iTunes user ID.
  • Password: Enter your iTunes password.
  • Account ID: Enter your iTunes account ID.
  • Vendor ID: Login to iTunes Connect and go to Sales and Trends to get your Vendor ID. Enter the ID here.
  • Packages List: Enter your application package name.

Twilio Config

Twilio is a third-party communication service that allows you to send text messages to your customers. After you create a Twilio account, you need to configure your account SID, authentication token, and phone number to your Session AI account. Your Twilio credentials are available in your Twilio Account Dashboard. This allows Session AI servers to connect to the Twilio connectors.

  1. In the Integration menu, click the Connectors tab.
    The Connector Configs screen will be displayed.
  2. Click Twilio Config.
    The following screen appears.
  3. Enter the following details and click Save.
  • SID: Enter your Twilio Account SID. It is a unique security identifier that acts as a username.
  • Auth Token: Enter your Authentication Token that acts as the password.
  • From (phone #): Enter the phone number that will be used to send text messages to the customers.

Sendgrid Config

SendGrid is a customer communication platform for transactional and marketing email. If you already have your SendGrid credentials, enter the details or sign up for a new account. After you log in to your account, go to the Account Details page to view your credentials.

  1. In the Integration menu, click the Connectors tab.
    The Connector Configs screen will be displayed.
  2. Click Sendgrid Config.
    The following screen appears.
  3. Enter the following details:
  • Username: Enter your SendGrid account username.
  • Password: Enter your SendGrid account password.
  • Sender Email: When you create a SendGrid account, you also create a sender identity, which is the “from” email address your recipients will see in their inbox. It is available in the Sender Authentication tab.
  1. Click Test Credentials. The following message appears:
  • If the credentials are correct, the Credentials check passed! message appears.
  • If the credentials are incorrect, the 401: Permission denied, wrong credentials message appears.
  1. Click Save.

Mailgun Config

Mailgun is a third-party email service that allows you to send emails to your customers. If you already have your Mailgun credentials, enter the details or sign up for a new account.

  1. In the Integration menu, click the Connectors tab.
    The Connector Configs screen will be displayed.
  2. Click Mailgun Config.
    The following screen appears.
  3. Enter the following details and click Test Credentials.
  • Domain Name: Enter the domain name you selected while creating your Mailgun account.
  • API Key: Enter the API key available in your Mailgun account.
  • Sender Email: Sender Email is the “from” email address your recipients will see in their inbox.
  1. Click Save.

Adobe Config

  1. In the Integration menu, click the Connectors tab.
    The Connector Configs screen will be displayed.
  2. Click Adobe Config.
    The following screen appears.
  3. Enter the following details and click Save.
  • Username: Enter your Adobe account username.
  • Password: Enter your Adobe account password.
  • Sender Email: Enter your Adobe sender email, which is the “from” email address your recipients will see in their inbox.
  • SOAP URL: SOAP protocols are used to invoke the Adobe Campaign APIs. Enter your Adobe SOAP URL.
  • SOAP Channel: Enter the SOAP channel.

OpenWeatherMap Config

OpenWeatherMap exposes an API to provide weather data in JSON, XML, or HTML. Register your account on the OpenWeatherMap website and get your API key.

  1. In the Integration menu, click the Connectors tab.
    The Connector Configs screen will be displayed.
  2. Click OpenWeatherMap Config.
    The following screen appears.
  3. In the API Key field, enter the OpenWeatherMap API key and click Save.

Dark Sky Config

Dark Sky exposes a weather API, which provides weather details for a specified latitude and longitude. To access Dark Sky API, you require a secret key that you can obtain after registering an account on their website. Configure this secret API key in your Session AI account to connect to the Dark Sky, which is available on the Your Account page.

  1. In the Integration menu, click the Connectors tab.
    The Connector Configs screen will be displayed.
  2. Click Dark Sky Config.
    The following screen appears.
  3. In the API Key field, enter the API key and click Save.