Managing In-Session Segments

Viewing In-Session Segments

  1. In the Segments menu, click the In-Session Segments.
    The list of all the In-Session Segments is displayed.
  • Name: Name of the In-Session segment. It also provides a link to the view and edit In-Session segment.
  • Created: Displays the date when this In-Session segment was created and the name of the user who created it.
  • Last Updated: Displays the date when this segment was last updated and the name of the user who made the last update.
    Note: All the fields are sortable. Click to sort the segments.
  1. Click icon to perform the following activity:
  • a. To Edit the In-Session segment
  • b. To view the Audit Trail of the In-Session segment.
  • b. To Delete the In-Session segment.